Monday, December 31, 2012

Watchnight Service - New Year's Eve

The Higher Ground Quartet and Good Prospect Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Trilla will be hosting a New Year’s Eve Concert from 8 PM to Midnight on Monday evening, Dec 31 st. Groups/individuals singing will be Higher Ground, Wesley Gray, Royal Promise (from Flora), and Kay Heaton. Soup and sandwiches will be available and a love offering will be taken. Please plan to attend a great evening of Gospel Music to usher in the New Year. Please sign up on the Sound System if you are able to help bring food for this event.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve - Candlelight Communion Service

CHRISTMAS EVE – Monday, December 24th at 9pm will be our Candlelight Communion service as we remember the birth of our Savior.  Plan to attend with your family and invite your neighbor!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Birthday Party for Jesus - December 23rd @ 10 a.m.

BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR JESUS - There will also be Children’s Church next Sunday with a Birthday Party for Jesus! Please be sure to let Erica Beals know if your child / grandchild is planning to attend!

Christmas Cantata - Sunday, December 23rd @ 10:00 a.m.

CHRISTMAS CANTATA / - Please join us next Sunday, December 23rd for the choir’s Christmas Cantata during the 10:00 am Worship Service. You will surely be blessed!

2012 Gift to the King Offering

2012 GIFT TO THE KING OFFERING – The greatest gift is the presence of the source of hope and love found in Jesus Christ. The Samaki CP mission in Phnom Penh (the capital of Cambodia) is committed to bringing those who are spiritually searching to meet the person of Jesus Christ. Please support the Gift to the King offering, “A Present for a Presence."

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pioneer Clubs - Christmas Lesson

PIONEER CLUBS will have a Christmas lesson this week and the Joy / Flame groups will be finishing up their Life Skills Lesson. Several of the children will also be receiving rewards for their hard work.  Please remember that all adults in the congregation are welcome to join us for dinner at 6pm!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Loaves and Fishes Collection Report

The 2012 Loaves and Fishes boxes will be mailed this week. As of last Sunday, we had collected $272.58 plus an additional $200 from CPWM for a total of $472.58. The proceeds will be split with 50% to the Guatemala Medical Center, 25% to the denominational Hunger Fund and 25% to our local hunger funds.